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Dr. Paul Jacobs, standing up for our values.


Pro-2nd Amendment

Pro-Term Limits

Pro-Fair Map reform

Opposed to ALL tax increases

Opposed to Sanctuary Cities

Republican Paul Jacobs is well known from his Optometry practice and his successful winery, Von Jakob in Alto Pass. He served in the Navy from 1965 to 1971. For the last 39 years, he has practiced Optometry in Carbondale. He and his wife Rhoda opened Von Jakob Vineyard in Alto Pass 22 years ago. They have four grown children and nine grandchildren.  Paul is a lifelong christian conservative who seeks to bring fiscal responsibility and ethical reform to Springfield. As State Representative, Dr. Jacobs will work with Republicans and Democrats to represent Southern Illinois' best interests. To speak directly to Dr. Jacobs please call him directly at 618-534-3250 with your questions. 


Committee to Elect Dr. Paul Jacobs
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